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News & Events

Christmas/Annual Day Celebrations

23rd December 2013

Shalom School celebrated its Annual day as well as Christmas celebrations on 23rd December. The students along with the support of staff collectively put on a colorful display that included a potpourri of  dancing, and singing and concluded with a classic depiction of the manger scene.

Teacher's Day

5th September 2013

The students were excited for this day since there was no carrying of bags on shoulders and no classes but the kids were eager to put on a display for their beloved teachers.


The day was a 'choose your own dress' and there was a fantastic turn out of students in animal dresses, angel frocks to traditional costumes.


The kids also had a great time singing, playing, coloring, posing for pictures.

Silver Jubilee celebrations

10th June 2013
We had the joy of celebrating our Silver Jubilee in June. Parents were invited to the celebrations and our Principal, Kamini Prabhakar led the celebrations. The ribbon cutting was done by Mr & Mrs. Suresh (parents of Grace & Paul) and an opening prayer by Rene Oommen. The Principal then encouraged the parents and staff with a few inspiring words.


Finally, the new as well as returning students were given a warm and traditional welcome in our usual Shalom school way! The day then turned into another normal new day at school -weeping, crying, & laughing.

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